Quality policy
Our customers expect of us high quality process equipment and services that are in line with their requirements. We want to fulfill this, but also with a constant increase in their satisfaction through continuous improvement of the quality of process equipment, while at the same time we have responsible attitude towards employees, stakeholders, the environment and safety and health at work.
These goals will be achieved through:
* Full implementation of legal regulations, regulations and norms from the business activities of NIP INOX and the quality of the environment and safety and health at work.
* Realization of all activities with full implementation of this policy, realization of set goals of quality and protection according to the procedures and instructions of the integrated management system.
* Continuous improvement of organizational efficiency based on the responsibilities of all functions and every employee in them for the tasks they perform, without the possibility of transferring that responsibility to another.
* Realization of products that fully meet the requirements of the users without any inconsistency.
* Obtaining new customers by providing a high quality of our products,
* Full support and full contribution to cooperation with the environment, stakeholders and local self-government in order to improve the quality and the preservation of the environment and safety and health at work.
* Continuous training and training of all employees in order to achieve a new quality culture, awareness of the importance of preserving the environment and safety and health at work.
* Motivation of all employees to achieve cooperation, trust and belonging to NIP INOX in order to activate their creative potentials.
* Fully inform employees, stakeholders and the state community about our goals, plans and direct activities.
* Improving the quality of external suppliers by establishing partnerships with them.
* Continuous increase of efficiency and efficiency of business through regular system reviews, implementation of internal and external checks and implementation of corrective measures.
* Full commitment to environmental management, safety and health at work and minimizing the generation of waste of any kind in accordance with applicable legislation.
* Take all measures in order to reduce the level of risk in terms of environmental protection and occupational health and safety.
* Taking all measures to increase the quality of process equipment and constantly improving the overall business results by reducing labor costs and reducing the level of risk in terms of environment and occupational health and safety.
The stated goals of NIP INOX will be achieved by the consistent application and maintenance of an integrated management system in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018.
Through an effort to do their job well for the first time, on time and each time, all NIP INOX D.O.O employees will contribute to the implementation of this policy.
Nikola Nešković